Small Paintings - Small Investment
I’ve been working on some small paintings. Sometimes collectors want one of my paintings but it isn’t the right time for a large investment so they want to purchase a smaller painting. I enjoy doing these little paintings because they work up quicker and they don’t give me time to get bored with what I’m working on, lol. If you have always wanted a real painting, not a print, a smaller painting is a great way to begin a collection.
I’ve also been working on a paint party type painting. I’ve had some interest from people to come and paint an afternoon quickie and decided to go ahead and teach one. But more on that in a later post. :)
Green Pear Cup - 6 x 6 Acrylic on panel I love green antique glass and am a bit of a collector of it. I was rearranging things and put the pear inside the cup to carry a bunch of things at once, and a still life was born.
Mini Blue Jar - 5 x7 Acrylic on canvas. This mini jar sits on my kitchen window sill with a little splash of a green leaves in it.